
Frequently asked questions

Therapy is so much more than sitting on a sofa. Regrettably misconceptions are rife about what it means to talk to a therapeutic professional. Talking about your emotions is seen as something to poke fun at, weak or shameful. That stigma is often why people do not seek help. Therapy is an extremely useful tool that helps with a range of issues some of which could be:
  • Stress
  • Anxious or intrusive thoughts
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Fatigue
  • Unexpected mood swings
  • Fear of being in some places
  • Losing interest in usual activities
  • Losing hope or motivation
  • Social withdrawal
  • Disrupted sleeping patterns
  • Trauma
  • Experiencing change
  • Feeling isolated or alone
  • You just feel like you need to talk to someone
  • A serious health conditions
  • Use of a substance to cope with life
  • How do you work?
I work solely online and by telephone.
  • How long do counselling sessions last?
Most counselling sessions last for up to 60 minutes.
  • My problem seems insignificant and may not need counselling
We all have had experiences where our thoughts and feelings which although minor feel uncomfortable and haunt us in the quieter moments. If this is making life tough for you why not ask for help. If something is disrupting your life its worth examining it closer. Whatever your perception may be, if something is an issue for you then, it is important to me.

You will never be judged as we can explore the impact this issue has on your life.

  • What can I talk about?
You can talk about anything that is on your mind.

This is your time, so I will be led by you.

Counselling is a safe space for you to bring anything you need to discuss or to help you process any difficulties you are facing

  • Can I attend counselling whenever I need it?
I offer counselling on a weekly or alternate week basis and have found that counselling is most beneficial when accessed weekly. Regular sessions allow trust, openness and connection to develop, which are fundamental ingredients to making counselling work.
If you are a shift worker, we can discuss the regularity and I accommodate your working patterns.

  • Can I trust you?
Yes, you can definitely trust me.

What you say to your counsellor is confidential.

Trust is a key factor in developing a good relationship.

In counselling we believe that the relationship is so important in helping you to make changes and to feel better. I work with my clients at a pace and in a way which feels right for that individual and which best suits their needs.

I am an accredited member of both the BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) and the Association Of Christian Counsellors (ACC) and adhere to their strict ethical framework.

This helps you to know that you can expect a safe, ethically informed, professional service from me. Information you provide with use will not be shared with a third party other than in exceptional circumstances such as safeguarding issues or if required by law.
  • How long do I need to come for?
This is completely up to you. Some clients like to come for a set number of sessions, whilst for others the work we do together may last longer and be more open ended.

This is something we can discuss and I will offer regular reviews to ensure that you are getting the most out of your counselling sessions.

We usually meet at the same time and on the same day each week but you may wish to extend this time period to fortnightly or longer depending on how you feel the therapy is going.

  • What happens if I want to end my sessions?
Regardless of how long you have been attending counselling, it is helpful to discuss if you are thinking of bringing your sessions to an end.

I will then explore this with you and make arrangements to work towards a planned ending together.

Getting started

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